К. Шонбай Екінші Шанс

The book “Second Chance” that you are holding in your hand is the third book written by me personally, and the fourth book in which I was involved. The first book we wrote was “Don’t be the second”, and then “The secret that was not told to us”. Later, together with my partner Mr. Meirbek, we wrote the book “Business Symphony”. This is my fourth book.
Before writing my first book “Don’t be the second”, I gathered my followers on Instagram offline and online and conducted several trainings. In the training, we covered topics based on the book. All I want to do is figure out which topics will resonate with the audience and which ones won’t before publishing the book. At the end of these trainings, the main part of the book “Be the second one” was ready. When I wrote my second book “The Untold Secret”, I refused to organize a training. Because this book was written after the Great Depression.

In general, a person who wants to earn money is not just looking at the sky and wishing for money. It is clear that he will do something. If he does not have a job, he tries to open a business, if not, if he is an employee, he looks for a job, finds a client – somehow he does something. The question is: “Will what you are doing bring money or not?”. In most cases, a person is doing something, he is involved in the process, if you look from the outside, he does not have time, he is working. But at the end of the month, there is no money.
Because the action is not bringing money. In the previous chapters, we focused on the questions of what money is and who gives it to us. If we understand the idea that “money comes to us through the client”, we need to move on to look for actions that will bring this client. The sad thing is that most of us have a hard time doing these money making activities. What do you think is the reason? Let me draw this diagram for clarity. A person who earns money primarily does the golden activities mentioned in the previous chapter