The head of state held an expanded meeting on the socio-economic development of the country (April 19, 2023)

Under the chairmanship of President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, an expanded meeting was held on the socio-economic
development of the country. The event was attended by the Prime Minister, chairmen of the Senate and Mazhilis of the Parliament, heads of
state bodies accountable to the President, members of the Government, akims of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, regions
and districts, heads of parliamentary factions, as well as chairmen of committees of the chambers of Parliament,
regional and district maslikhatov.

In his speech, the Head of State noted that political reforms opened a new stage in the development of Kazakhstan and laid
a solid foundation for structural transformations in the economy.

– Each of those present at today’s meeting should be aware of the high personal responsibility to the people of Kazakhstan.
The present and future of our country depends on your decisions and actions. You cannot limit yourself to just solving
everyday operational issues, you must become state reformers. The main goal of all reforms is to improve the quality of
life of citizens. We are talking about increasing the income of the population, creating a comfortable living environment,
ensuring security, expanding opportunities for the comprehensive development of people,” Kassym-Jomart Tokayev emphasized.

According to the Head of State, the strategic task is the systemic diversification of the economy. Kazakhstan, as an oil
and gas country, must adapt to new geo-economic realities.


The President outlined a number of tasks for the Government and executive bodies to prevent the growth of food prices,
develop the agro-industrial complex, increase domestic production, increase the real incomes of citizens, pursue
a balanced macroeconomic policy, demonopolize the economy, reformat work on the further development of infrastructure,
ensure citizens’ access to high-quality medicine and education, creating productive jobs, and improving public administration.


Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov, Deputy Prime Minister Altai Kulginov, Mayor of Astana Zhenis Kassymbek, Akim of
the region Abai Nurlan Urankhaev, Akim of the Almaty region Marat Sultangaziyev, Akim of the Mangistau region
Nurlan Nogaev, Akim of the Pavlodar region Asain Baikhanov, Chairman of the Maslikhat of the Karaganda region
Nurken Kobzhanov, chairman of the maslikhat of the Zhetisu region Gulnar Toylybayeva.